About Us

At Holdsworth House Sydney, we proudly bring together a dynamic team of general and specialist practitioners.

Comprehensive healthcare, tailored to your needs

Our all-inclusive team of General Practitioners and Specialists work closely with one another to ensure your health and wellness is of highest priority. Our expertise includes, but isn't limited to:

Our Rooms

Conveniently located in the heart of Sydney's centre, our modern and well-equipped facility offers a welcoming atmosphere, ensuring your comfort and convenience during your visit.

Our Values

Holdsworth House Sydney are committed to providing exceptional medical care to improve your wellness.

Care & Compassion

Your well-being is our highest priority. Our team will approach your medical journey with genuine empathy, kindness, and unwavering support.

Tailored Care

We engage in attentive listening, respect your individuality, and design personalised treatment approaches that solely focus on your requirements.

Specialty Focused

Our experts bring profound expertise to a broad spectrum of healthcare concerns, ensuring top-notch care for every patient.

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Discover the impact our team can make for you.

Our dedicated professionals are ready to assist you throughout your wellness journey, providing personalised services across a diverse spectrum of specialties. Experience the positive impact our team can bring to your life.